HubSpot reports that 67% of brands use account-based marketing strategies today, and that’s for a series of good reasons. Strategically designed Account-Based Marketing (ABM) provides limitless powerful possibilities for success. This is a process that allows you to synchronize your marketing and marketing teams much more powerfully than before.
The marketplace is always evolving. New strategies are necessary to keep pace with the new rules of the game. To execute the best flexible strategies, new techniques with respect paid to these marketplace changes are constantly invented. Today, our B2B technique roster is plentiful with choices in both explicitly sales-based and marketing-based categories; however, the strongest of those choices is one of seamless marketing and sales integration.
ABM Explained: Sales and Marketing Integration Made Masterfully
ABM is a bit like if an advanced Swiss army knife was invented to have limitless versatility and finishing power at every combat range; only instead of advanced sci-fi warfare, this is advanced marketing process fluidity to the Nth degree. The ABM approach is one that integrates sales and marketing for both the priorities of revenue growth and long-term customer care. In addition to greater ROI and delighted customers, ABM can be a powerful source of growth for the business itself when done properly. As superior practices satisfy more customers converted at a higher rate due to smarter targeting, the “soft promotion” of loyal customers willing to act as brand ambassadors in their social groups can be exponentially beneficial.
The Ultimate Traditional Marketing Overhaul
Whereas traditional marketing is more one that simply focuses on the sale, countless marketing takes things to the next level. Account-based marketing, fit in the name, is one that takes every individual account of the customer being serviced into account.
Traditionally, marketing was carried out with a shotgun approach without much concern for where the shells may hit; though far from unworkable, this naturally can only benefit from precision. It’s been shown in reports that the majority of traditionally marketing organizations only go after their true target account 38% of the time, well under half of all pursuits. Traditional sales were marked by an almost cultural expectation of “courting” to fish out the potential for compatibility between accounts and the product to sell. In a sense, simply discovering account viability was a job within the job. Through Account-Based marketing, we do not cut out the middleman of account surfing, but rather head straight to the ideal account at the very start.
As has always been the case with traditional marketing, respect is paid to the fact that every prospect is on some stage of a journey to solve the problems that we deal in solicited solutions for; in this account-centric model, we’re that much more effective at making out the entrance to that journey at the right time and for the right people.
Accelerated Lead Routing Success
Sales are more than numbers, it’s about numerically-advantaged strategy; that is exactly where ABM shines so brilliantly. Whereas through trial and error certain results could only be achieved in months by blind persistence alone, ABM puts the gold right in the crosshairs for a virtually sure shot.
The magic behind ABM’s accuracy is the Lead Routing Software; aptly named, this handy resource properly guides leads to the right accounts they’re actually aiming for as the ideal targets by design. Just by putting things in place with respect to compatibility like this, invaluably large amounts of time and effort can be dedicated to doing what we do best; serving the target market with our unique brand of value.
The right match between the lead and account is valuable enough, but what’s even more so is the software’s ability to draw up company-targeted market outlook analytics. You can customize the parameters for these laser-targeted references down to type and region as well.
Learn More
By keeping ABM’s power in mind and prepared to deploy, your sales and marketing synergy will remain highly strong and successfully responsive to the market’s constant challenging dynamism. If you’ve got any questions about how you might be best able to use ABM for your business flow’s benefit, contact us and we will be happy to help.