Data Dedupe
Give Your Sales Team The Data They Need To Close Every Deal. At LeadAngel, We’ve Cracked The Code To Clean Up Data
Say goodbye to frustration, inefficiency, and unnecessary costs.
Reduce sales process inefficiency by a whopping 30%. We’ve mastered the art of cleaning up data, ensuring your team is armed with accurate, coherent information. Imagine a world where every call is personalized, efficient, and leaves your customers delighted.
LeadAngel is here to transform your sales game by ensuring your data matches up every time!
Ready to unlock the power of solid data for your business?
Say goodbye to duplicate data chaos. Our data dedupe ensures a clean, accurate database, eliminating confusion and enhancing the precision of your information. Invest in data dedupe!
Why choose LeadAngel for data dedupe?
Unleash the power of your data with LeadAngel
LeadAngel takes your database game to the next level, boosting your team’s efforts in building, optimizing, and maintaining it for future triumphs. Experience a game-changing 10% time savings, and that’s just the beginning.
Get rid of duplicates in a flash
Allow LeadAngel to merge duplicate leads and accounts directly using a predefined set of rules to unlock ultimate efficiency.
Easily convert leads into contacts, opportunities, and accounts with LeadAngel, without the need to manually sort out or enter any information into your CRM.
Harmonize your sales process
Automatically transfer relevant account data to new leads, equipping your team with valuable insights.
Say goodbye to lead clutter right from the start
Effortlessly eliminate duplicate leads and kick off your journey with a clean slate. It’s not just setup; it’s a cleanup that sets the stage for your organization’s success
Secure Access
How do customers or prospects schedule meetings?
Improved data quality
Increased efficiency
Better targeting and nurturing of leads
Better customer experience
Cost Savings
What is data cleansing?
Data cleansing is the process of removing junk data or duplicate records while creating record relationships (such as Lead vs Contact vs Account).
What is the difference between Lead Merge vs Lead Convert?
Lead merge is the process of merging two lead records, while Lead convert is the process of changing a lead record into a contact record. Lead can create a new contact, or can merge into an existing contact.
Can LeadAngel dedupe a lead against a contact record?
Yes. LeadAngel can either create a new contact, or merge into an existing contact when a matching record is found.
Can I decide to dedupe records only when certain conditions are met?
Yes, you can set a global dedupe rule, or process only certain records for deduplication.
Can LeadAngel auto convert my leads into contact and/or account?
Yes. LeadAngel can convert a lead into contact when a matching account is found, and can also create an account+contact when no matching account record is found.
What are the dedupe preset conditions available?
Leads and Contacts can be deduped based on various combinations of Email, First + Last Name, Company Name, Phone Number.
Does dedupe work in the background?
Yes, global dedupe rules run in the background, unattended.
What are some key benefits of data cleanup?
According to various surveys, a bad record costs a company about 100 USD, while also impacting productivity. Moreover, the customer and prospects experience is also impacted as they hear conflicting messages coming out from companies with bad data.
What fields are carried over from the deduped record to master record?
All the bon-blank fields are carried over from the merged record to the surviving records. Any non-blank field in the surviving record is NOT overwritten.