How does LeadAngel work? What makes it tick, and what makes it a better way to manage leads? Our Datasheets are a great way to get all the answers.

Lead Router

LeadAngel's Lead Router is the most advanced lead router available, and is designed to work with any CRM. Read more to explore the key features and available configuration.

Fuzzy Match Algorithm

Learn about LeadAngel’s proprietary, cutting edge company name matching algorithm including salient features, customizations and usability to improve.

Intelligent Data Mapping

LeadAngel's intelligent data mapping helps you standardize common lead fields such as Job Title, Job Function, Industry etc. Learn how to leverage features & customize the rules.

Fuzzy Match Fact Sheet

Learn fun facts about LeadAngel’s fuzzy match algorithm, and how it can empower and boost your B2B business with the algorithm's ready fact sheet.

Rules Customization

Data sheet will provide in-depth view of ways to fine-tune your LeadAngel installation. Customize the fuzzy match algorithm to match your business.

Fuzzy Match as Service

Learn how your organization can leverage LeadAngel’s proprietary company name matching algorithm to develop customized solution.

Platform and API Overview

A sneak peek into LeadAngel lead to company matching platform to help you understand the possibilities. Get details about the ways to integrate services to solve business use cases.

LeadAngel Segmentation

With ability to fuzzy match an existing account against a lead, comes a new era of Marketing segmentation. Learn more on how advanced segmentation can boost your abm efforts.

Data Management

Helping in engaging the audience by delivering results, used for marketing activities. Learn how it contributes to reduce duplicate data generation & increase sales.