Lead Management Software For Cloud Offering
Business To Business Lead Management For Cloud Application Providers
Lead's Expectation
1. Get called back within a few hours; 2. Have a relevant conversation the very first time by speaking with someone knowledgeable about their industry; 3. Have the relation with them respected: if they are already a customer or partner, they expect to be called back thru an individual or team working with them; and 4. Never be asked to repeat information they have already provided. The importance of getting back to prospects quickly can never be underestimated. They must be get backed as soon as possible. They are not just waiting for a call. A delayed call would only give a bad impression about the organization. Eliminate the need to mention phrases like “I will get back to you” and “Let me transfer you over” that annoy customers. Remove the necessity of transferring calls that only result in a huge waste of time and opportunity. Use cloud services for SaaS to avoid getting a mob of angry prospective customers.
People who value and respect relation are often always the winner. In the first place, it is important to understand from the very initial discussion if the lead belongs to a partner organization. This not only helps guide the discussion but also provides greater details to prepare for a call, thereby increasing chances of closing a deal.
Most of the time, leads would like to focus on their business problems rather than providing additional information to help route them to correct sales person internally. Keep the discussion on track, and on focus by not repeatedly asking the same information so that they could move forward with some internal processes. Once the leads are converted to customers, it is paramount to continually engage and educate them about the various product developments and changes in the market place. Also give additional advice based on their SaaS product usage as well as their cloud computing platforms and infrastructures.
Operational Challenges
For people using salesforce.com, this is an even greater challenge because the salesforce does not tie a lead record to an account. It does not even tie with other leads from same organization. This makes it nearly impossible to gauge the potential opportunity and possibility of how meaningful a discussion would have been. Lead prioritization is another challenge. It is normal to prefer calling decision makers rather than the students and individual contributors. It would also be more desirable to call sweet selling spot like named account or desired industry or segment.
Unfortunately, these data come in extremely varied format with no single standard that could be established for these. The biggest cause for follow-up delays, however, are a lead’s territory assignment and routing. Since territory identification is reliant on geography, industry, company size, market segment, named account and other factors, it is normal that some of these data will not match the generic look-up format. This results in a lot of manual checking and subjective decision-making that is not only time consuming but also results in various inconsistencies.
The Sales Organization
Many companies sell thru ISV and Partners. Territory assignment and lead routing must recognize this fact and be able to identify partner and ISV leads. Sometimes, sales will have established a process to convert a lead into opportunity, or close the lead and create a new opportunity record instead. If the latter is prevalent processes at an organization, then it becomes harder to link contact records with appropriate opportunities and accounts.
Lead Management Software Solution
The past few years have seen vast advancement for lead management. The development of automated processes for managing leads has offered the solution to reducing lead scoring and routing. Piecemeal solutions from various venders now offer Data Cleanup & Standardization, De-dupe identification, Use case based lead routing and Account & partner matching. The following solutions is the answer for a comprehensive B2B, cloud lead routing:
Data Cleanup & Standardization
Lead DE-DUPE Identification
Duplicate lead records consume time and internal resources. More importantly, they irritate potential leads. Instead of simply flagging or deleting duplicate leads, merging duplicate records with existing ones is highly recommended
Lead To Account Matching
Lead to Account fuzzy matching sometimes involves matching named account, partners, competitors, and so on, while ensuring that a system/tool allows the configuration of appropriate levers like confidence level, tie-breaker, etc. to make it work. This makes it technically one of the hardest jobs for internal IT or Ops teams.
Business Case Based Lead Routing
Setup a system in such a way to allow the uniform definition of business cases and use them for routing. Leads may be routed based on their point-in-time status such as “active opportunity” or “lost opportunity”.