Rules Customization
Rules Customization
Businesses need to look for leads, existing customers, and even other businesses to survive, for this purpose they utilize Account Based Marketing. A key component of ABM is to match accounts against leads. When engines or platforms match a lead to an account, they don’t do it at random. They look for certain parameters, data points, and other factors. How these parameters, data points, and factors are defined or handled can affect how accurate a match is.
Lead to Account matching requirements vary based on the objective. For lead routing, a tighter and confident match is required; this means more parameters and data points are matched. There will be fewer results, but these results will match what you are seeking more closely. For marketing segmentation, one can relax the parameters and data points a little and cast a wider search net. Lesser parameters are matched but there will be more results to choose from.
Know Where To Look, And How To Look
Then again, it’s not just about which company bought what company. Some businesses may have strange soundings names, or different names few people are familiar with. Also, at times companies may be spelled differently across geographical regions; a good platform should be able to see through that all this. The sales operations branch of businesses are often in charge of lead routing program, they have to keep up with industry and marketplace changes. LeadAngel offers a comprehensive lead to account matching, and lead routing tool. Here are some of the things you can do with our match algorithm:
Custom Match Rules
Manual Resolution
Integrated With 3rd Parties
Algorithm For Success
Allow us to give you the edge. We have a proven algorithm that we have developed over the years, what is even better is that it’s not a stagnant system, we can further refine it in response to our clients’ needs and the changes in the business world. Take advantage of it to further your business.